
Red Bull Originals

“Sammy Nourmand is a well-liked and trusted executive with a full understanding of the overall TV content ecosystem. He was able to take complicated information and translate it into a simple structure. Plan 9 Consultancy’s support proved invaluable for the short and long term, and any business looking for strategic and business planning support should look no further than Plan9”

Sebastian Burkhardt Head of Commercial Partnerships, Red Bull Originals

Raw Cut

“Clear, concise, and constructive – just the sort of advice you need when you bring a consultant into your business. Backed by years of experience everything made total sense.”

Steve Warr CEO, Raw Cut

Zig Zag

“I have known Sammy for almost 20 years both professionally and personally and have never met a more stand out individual. He is in business as he is in life, trustworthy, honest, generous, and straight talking. Plan 9 Consultancy provided nailed on advice that displayed a clear understanding of the financial, creative, and commercial processes of the sector. Because his understanding across the board (built on years of working with some of the top companies and individuals within them) is second to none, Plan 9 Consultancy provided a ‘soup to nuts’ service.”

Danny Fenton CEO, Zig Zag

Keshet International

“Sammy is a Mary Poppins character. He may not sport an umbrella but he arrives with tonnes of wisdom, insight and plenty of creative solutions. Like Mary Poppins he adds a spoon of sugar to a lot of tough situations before taking off again when the job is done.”

Alon Shtruzman CEO, Keshet International

Three Tables Productions

“Sammy is a font of knowledge for the television industry. His pragmatic advice has always been thoughtful and sensible, and has been invaluable to Three Tables, as well as to me personally. Moreover, he is a joy to work with and chat to. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend him.”

JT Wong Managing Director, Three Tables Productions

Tresor Produktions - Munich

“I worked with Sammy Nourmand for several years during which he also served as a Non-Executive Director of Tresor. When he launched his own consultancy practice, his deep understanding of the TV industry, his production experience and analytical thinking made Plan 9 Consultancy the perfect advisor for me and Tresor.”

Axel Kuehn Managing Director, Tresor Produktions